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"Things You Just Can't Make Up"
Politicians spend their day talking to each other about their idea of improving our lives? Really? I look at my I Phone dozens of times a day, because I can't live without it. And I have not had one call from any politician asking my opinion. Not from a state or national politician. They get their ideas from special interest groups. That would be lobbyists or from fringe groups.
So who wants to sit around and let these people push us around?
Join me and my friend exposing some of the most stupendously stupid people on our planet.
Their feet don't reach the pedals, but they want to drive.
There are no words
Razzberries for today

I think Ted Nugent is a complete moron,
except for one thing.
50 years this year. Basically the only song I like of his and he didn't sing it.
Precious Ted
Elon you are such a putz
Can You Guys Please Try and Tell The Truth!
After watching bits and pieces of the interview Hannity did with Elon Musk I came away with the impression Musk is a whiner. All of these Trump enablers line up to be on all the FOX propaganda programs where they get a warm and friendly welcome and probably a warning not to be too obvious in their exaggerations. Every one of Trumps cabinet picks showed up to be fawned and ladled over with FOX Holy Water. Of course they need to present themselves to the far right masses. After all that is the only program the right wing masses watch for information. I will give them that. But to watch Musk on the program with Hannity bellyaching and complaining about the treatment Musk is receiving is a little over the top for him.
Elon, let's be fair. YOU SIGNED UP FOR IT!
Read Jack Wilsons Article Here.
Is Marco Rubio Right?
I watched Rubio on Meet The Press when he spoke about the student protester who has been detained. I found myself agreeing with some of the things he was saying. To be clear, I am not a liberal and I not a conservative. I am one of the those who would like to get along with everyone. But today? It doesn't seem possible. Everyone is camped on extremes. However I watched his explanation on the detention of the student, and I found myself agreeing with him on some issues.
Of course this goes with what I know of the circumstances.
This also had me reflecting on some other things they are doing and it made me even angrier with the Democratic Party for allowing this to happen. I came to the conclusion that Joe Biden was nothing more than a place mat and Kamala Harris paid for it.
Read Jack Wilsons Article Here.
Go Bernie! Educate America. No One Else Is!
While the Democratic Party is sitting on their hands or wringing their hands, whichever is more appropriate, Bernie Sanders is out in small towns. He is on the news and he is making news! He is trying to educate your neighbors about oligarchs and what they are. Oligarchs have been around for a long time. But not in America. Oh they were here, but everyone thought that oligarchy was a Russian thing. It was until Trump gave his tacit approval to oligarchs being in the United States.
In Trumps own words "I know some Russian oligarchs that are very nice people."
Now they can apply for a fast track to U.S. citizenship with not a green card, but a gold card for a mere 5 million bucks. Chump change for an oligarch.
Educate them Bernie, no one else is! It's crickets from the Democrats!
Read Jack Wilsons Article Here.
Is Gavin Newsome Getting Ready?
We believe he is and it is time for him to take charge.
While Bernie Sanders is the only Democrat with the passion and boldness to get out into the communities to stir public sentiment and listen to dissatisfaction; the feckless leadership of the Democrats sit on their hands waiting for the right time to move. Without letting other Congressmen and Senators off the hook, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are wasted space.
Read Jack Wilsons Article Here.
"BRATS" In The Belfry!
While Representative Al Greens disruption of Trumps speech was ill-advised, it did not rise to the level of immaturity as Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert when they disrupted Joe Bidens State Of The Union Address. Trumps address was a partisan rally for Republicans, Bidens speech was the State Of The Union Speech. However, they were not censured.
They acted like a couple of teenage spoiled brats.
And all this time the Democrats sat on their hands or waved cards while Trump laughed.
Read Jack Wilsons Article Here.
EU Gets Behind Zelenskyy
The European Union thumbed their nose to Trump and get behind President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
As a show of unity the leaders of the European Union waved so long to Trump and said we are standing with President Zelenskyy and furthermore "The free world needs a new leader!" said the EU's top diplomat.
Read Jacks Opinion,
Thuggish behavior in the oval office by Trump and Mini-Me Vance.
Donald Trump and his mini-me JD Vance acted like a couple of gangsters as they double teamed an invited head of state of another country.
The whole "show" was planned from the start as Zelenskyy, unfortunately took the bait and tried to express his views while Juvenile Delinquent Vance took the opportunity to get back on the front page ahead of Elon Musk and flogged Zelenskyy unmercifully and then hand tapping Trump to continue the flogging while there was no referee to call a break in the beating.
Read Jacks Opinion,

Let's not go to sleep on Ukraine
It may be too late to help now. Republican opinion has changed.
Putin is hoping he can wear the resolve of the supporters of Ukraine down with time. It's been out of the news.
People have forgotten what those who live there are going through. He is counting on it.
Donald Trump has finally said and done what we knew what was going to happen. The United States is now an ally of the Soviet State. He is actually negotiating for the Russian government. He is allowing Putin to keep what he has stolen.
This is what Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler and we know what happened with that. It may be too late now.
Trump is exposing himself as a true exhibitionist.

Donald Trump cannot resist unzipping and letting it all hang out for the media and the world. He is the end all for a narcissist
I don't want to admit I am right about such a terrible thought. But Trump thinks he is and wants to be pals with the worlds autocrats and dictators. Either that or he is not of sound mind, and that is scary. If the Republican leaders are not concerned by now, what will it take? HE IS CRAZY!
Only a crazy person would make the statements he is making!
Read Jacks Opinion,
Trump and his button men are trying extortion on a decent guy.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy has more mettle than any on Trumps travelling road show.
"We will not consent to any agreement where we lose land"
People forget how long they have been fighting the Russians to stop of the movement of Putin across Europe. It's incredible to watch him speak to world leaders and not bend the knee. One man and a country of brave fighters stand between a sociopathic megalomaniac and Europe which has been a collection of week sisters called countries of the European Union. They have been living large on their good fortune and now are faced with a choice. Pony up some cash to protect what they have acquired over the decades or risk Putin taking back what Gorbachev gave away in 1991. Democracy was the contributor to that and Putin has never forgotten it. He wants the USSR back. Period.
Trump is giving up on Ukraine.
Proving he was and is a Putin puppet.
In the words of Pete Hegseth.
"Full Ukrainian liberation from Russia is unrealistic."
Don't you think that Biden could have given up on them too. If my history is correct, we heard the same thing from Neville Chamberlain reporting on a peace agreement with Hitler, "We will have peace in our time." Hegseth you are an incubus and stupid.

How many times were we told? But we just cannot listen to the voices of experience or reason. We are still like children convinced that we are wise and all knowing, when the reality is we are the same stupid know it all and know nothings of our youth. It turns out this President really is a bully and a thug and his followers are not different than a bunch of gangsters. Will he get things done? Well....yeah. At what cost? Are you ready to give up some freedoms?
Who said opinions don't matter? They Do!
Share your comment on any blog.
Opinions are like, well never mind that. We have plenty of room for everyone.
Do you lean left or do you lean right? Whatever it is, try not to tip over.
Instead of trying to drive between the lines on the road, everyone has jumped the curb and driving completely off the road.
The only thing you are likely to find out there in the wilderness are the crazies. Republican or Democrats, it doesn't matter.
Sanity has escaped some of those in both parties. Common sense is now uncommon.
Agree with me or not. It doesn't matter. Educate yourself from more than one source of information.
Try turning the TV off and reading from many sources. If you just gotta' watch TV, try a good western movie. Tombstone.
Jack Wilson
Don't Be A Dumbass!

There are elections every 2 years.

Something Is Really Wrong In America
Don't believe me? How is it possible that a man who has been impeached twice and convicted of 34 felonies can be elected to be the President of the United States by a majority of the popular vote. How is it possible that he has the support of leading Senators from his own party? Has anyone been listening to his promises? Maybe you didn't like Kamala Harris. That's OK. But do people really believe that things will be better under the thumb of a demagogue?
I am at a loss for words or understanding, but I'll remain positive.
But, Is this the best we can do in this country? Out of 334,233,854 people at last count in the United States, because people can't seem to stop making more people, this what we elected to lead us. Do people think this is some kind of joke? Do you think this is a game and if we don't want to play anymore, we can pick up our toys and go home?
The decisions these people are making are permanent.
The decisions they are making are not for anyone in the middle class and have not been for years. Just like climate change, our so-called democracy is on the precipice. Why do you think arrogant megalomaniacs like Donald Trump want to seize power? Because for the first time in our history, they can see that it is really a possibility.
They know that the possibility actually exists now for a fascist government. It is not just Trump. It is all of the little minions that have crept into the government behind him. Voted in by uninformed voters that are the result of the dumbing down of America. Think it's crazy? Well, so do I, but it is happening.
Jack Wilson

Are Expatriates A Myth? Are People Really Leaving The US?
We all have heard the stories of people who drop everything and move to another country.
Is it fact or fiction? Are these just stories to fill air time for people who have wanderlust to listen to.?
No. It is true. For many reasons there is an increase in the numbers of people who are leaving the US.
Some, in smaller numbers are making the exit on a permanent basis.
Others are leaving on a try it and see if we like it move.
But there is no question, generations are on the move. Why?
Jack Wilson
Ahhh yes, opinions
You better have one. And I don't mean the opinion of a talking head on one of the television programs.
All of them, and I mean all the networks have an agenda and the only way it involves you is how long they can keep your eye balls glued to their channel and translate those peepers into ratings numbers for advertiser dollars.
Have you noticed I don't call them news programs?
They are in the business of making money and if a sponsor doesn't like what they say, it will get changed just that quick.
Most of us want to be altruistic by nature, but after 10 minutes of watching any of the opinion networks, you are more inclined to not care what happens to anybody. That is sad. So I say to you. Get a life and get involved.
Jack Wilson
Edgycation works for everyone.......

C'mon you guys. Stop it.
You're fucking killing me!
Where are the Bush, McCain and Romney Republicans?
Did they leave the country?
Where are the semi sensible Republicans of the Romney and McCain era?
Did they give up and become the ex-patriots we hear about?
Now we have J.D. Vance. Someone to be proud of.
When did things begin to go sideways?
I'll tell you this week on
Jack Wilson
Is Tech hurting business?
Are businesses trying to adopt too much new technology? Is it hurting the consumer process?
Is new technology for all businesses or should some businesses leave things the way they are?
Self serve kiosks are putting you to work. Are you receiving any of the benefits of being employed by the company?
Or, is the service deteriorating and you are supposed to accept the fact that they have fewer employees?
I'll tell you what I think. I think it sucks.
Mark Moore

AI yi-yi-yi-yi-yi you're killing me!
Jack Wilson has had recent experiences with AI and you probably have to.
Read about one of his experiences and the contribution it has made to Jack being follicly challenged.
Good or bad, obviously it's here to stay and you are going to live with it. Maybe its not so bad? WRONG! It is bad.
It will take a generation to mold the minds of the population and then all will be well.
But most of us will be gone and just a memory to the frustrations perpetuated by the development of AI yi-yi-yi-yi.
Read Jack's Article this week.