After watching bits and pieces of the interview Hannity did with Elon Musk, I came away with the impression Musk is a whiner. All of these Trump enablers line up to be on all the FOX propaganda programs where they get a warm and friendly welcome and probably a warning not be too obvious in their exaggerations. Every one of Trumps cabinet picks showed up to be fawned and ladled over with FOX Holy Water. Of course they need to present themselves to the far right masses. After all, that is the only program the right wing masses watch for information. I will give them that. But to watch Hannity bellyaching and complaining about the treatment Musk is receiving was a little over the top.
Elon, let's be fair. YOU SIGNED UP FOR IT!
But then I watched Elon taking credit for his space x ride bringing back the astronauts and blaming the Joe Biden for leaving them there and Sean Hannity not only agreeing with him but using it as another talking point to carry the conversation on further. They even went so far as to say they offered to the White House to bring them back last year, but the offer was declined! What!?
So, being ever inquisitive, I began to research it more to see if there was merit to this assertion. I mean, I am not a fan of Joe Biden and I never have been, but to think that Uncle Joe would leave people stranded in space? That would be pretty cruel.
I researched it from not one source, but many. I urge you to do the same. The reasons for the crew not coming back sooner are too many to list here. I mean there were pages upon pages of reasons. But, one thing was constant. All of the sources agreed with each other in opinion and that was the reason they did not come back until this year.
Now. I am not a rocket scientist, so am I going to disagree with them? Of course, I mean NASA and the rocket scientists. No! I am not. And neither did the astronauts.
Only Elon Musk and Donald Trump and Sean Hannity disagree to such a degree that they want to make as much noise on the Telly as they can for the dunderhead followers who watch that program.
And then Hannity pivoted to the burning and destruction of Tesla’s and Tesla property. This is where Musk became a whiner. To be perfectly clear, I do not agree with any of the burning of Tesla cars. No one should be punished for such a mental mistake. That mistake would be the purchase of the car in the first place. I would guess they are probably already remorseful and they would like to find a way to reverse that earlier decision. No. They are living with that decision everyday while driving around in what is the equivalent of wearing a scarlet letter.
Hannity and Musk are whiners, grifters and beggars making millions off lies perpetrated every day to a believing public.
Want to hear the sorry fact about what is really going on?
While they are complaining about the damage being done to stock prices including Tesla, no one mentions the fact they are making millions everyday selling stock short. Donald Trump had a slip of the tongue in the Oval Office when he said that some people were going to make a lot of money because stocks and the markets were falling.
What he failed to mention was the fact that a lot of people, mostly retirement investors will lose a lot of money. I am always amazed when someone says they lost money in a particular investment. Where did they lose it? Did you lose it at the laundromat? Did you lose it while you were jogging? Could it be laying along the curb?
No. You did not lose it. It was taken by someone because you were not watching and paying attention. Someone else has your money. Everyone thinks they should be in the market to make money. People that actually have money, want you to believe and think that. If you must invest, invest in the S&P 500. At least there you have fighting chance. Do not take my word for that. Warren Buffett has been saying that for years.
Elon Musk? He is grifter just like Trump. Don’t believe it?
Jack Wilson