While Bernie Sanders is the only Democrat with the passion and boldness to get out into the communities to stir public sentiment and listen to dissatisfactions; the feckless leadership of the Democrats sit on their hands waiting for the right time to move. Without letting other Congressmen and Senators off the hook, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer are wasted space.
Disagree with me on Newsome? Who else in the Democratic Party is even an option. Amy Klobuchar? She is a professional talk show personality who with her crazy hair and constant smile is like an aunt that will not go home after Sunday dinner.
During Trumps Republican rally speech, 10 democrats voted to censure Rep. Al Green. Why? Heck if I know. They should be voted out.
Here in New Mexico, we are asking our Senators where are they on the news? If Bernie Sanders can do it, why can’t they? Begin earning your $174,000.00 salary.
We are telling them to make some news and get on the news! Or get out of office.
Why do I think Gavin Newsome can be the guy? He is already starting to make some statements that will move the Democratic Party away from the extreme left and back to a centrist position. By doing more of that he can begin to knock down the Republican talking points and pick up the swing voters who are not on board with extreme liberalism. That is what lost the Democrats the election. The position of their way is the only way and no compromise will be considered.
The reality in politics is that you cannot please everyone. The democrats did not have their finger on the pulse of middle America.
Gavin Newsome has governing experience. He runs a state that is the largest economy in the U.S. and 4th or 5th largest economy in the world based on GDP and depending on what year you are looking at. California’s economy has grown faster than the U.S. economy for many years. And the people of California like him, by more than half. And California has a lot of Republicans and Trump does not intimidate him.
Will he run? I don’t know, but is there anyone else in the Democratic Party that can stand up to the onslaught of Billionaire Oligarchs forming in this country?
Yes the oligarchs are here and thank you Bernie for getting out there and trying to educate the dumbed down American public that they are real and autocracy is creeping into American politics.
The question I have been asking myself the last four weeks is, where are the old leadership Republicans and Democrats? Where are the wealthy business leaders that are watching the wild swings in the markets that are affecting middle America and for sure their investment strategies? Why are they standing quiet allowing this guy to run amok?
Jack Wilson